BBC Two announces that shooting has begun on series two of detective comedy Vexed, starring Toby Stephens (Jane Eyre, Robin Hood, Cambridge Spies) who reprises his role as D.I. Jack Armstrong, paired with Miranda Raison (Spooks, Merlin, Married Single Other) who plays newly promoted D.I. Georgina Dixon. Vexed is being filmed in Dublin, Eire, and comprises six 60-minute episodes to air later this year. The series is created by Howard Overman (Misfits) with episodes written by Chris Bucknall, James Wood, Steve Coombes and Harry & Jack Williams. Also returning from series one are Roger Griffiths (Holby City, Chef) and Ronny Jhutti (Survivors, Ideal) with Nick Dunning (The Iron Lady, The Tudors) joining to play Georgina’s father. D.I. Jack Armstrong (Stephens) has a new partner in the shape of D.I. Georgina Dixon (Raison). Armstrong is charming, disorganised and prone to laziness so it comes as no surprise that sparks fly when he’s partnered with the ambitious and highly efficient Dixon. Jack’s best friend, café-owner and ex-cop Tony (Griffiths) and colleague Naz (Jhutti) complete the crime solving team. Episode one sees the duo tackle the murder of a cocky car salesman, but things are not quite as they seem. Chris Sussman, Executive Producer for the BBC, says: "We’re very much looking forward to the return of Vexed. The second series promises to be just as much fun as the first, and with Miranda Raison joining Toby Stephens as new partner D.I. Dixon, we’re hoping it’s going to be all guns blazing." Jill Green, Executive Producer, Eleventh Hour Films, adds: “In a recession we need shows that make us laugh, and that’s where Vexed fits in - a perfectly distinctive ‘yin yang’ take on modern day life.” Vexed has been commissioned by Cheryl Taylor, Controller of Comedy Commissioning and Janice Hadlow, Controller of BBC Two. It is an Eleventh Hour Films production, executive producers are Chris Sussman for the BBC and Jill Green for Eleventh Hour Films. Produced by Eve Gutierrez for Eleventh Hour Films and Directed by Ian FitzGibbon (eps 1-3) and Kieron J. Walsh (eps 4-6).
白宫,特情局秘密代号为“奥林匹斯”,目前正处在危机之中,一伙恐怖分子先用重型的飞机和机枪袭击了这里,随后便派入了一群敢死队进入,他们彻底占领了美国总统府,劫持了美国总统,并以此为要挟,妄图控制世界格局。 坐在文员办公室的迈克·班宁(杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard Butler 饰)从这次袭击中活了下来。班宁原先是一个特种兵,负责第一夫人和美国总统(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)的安危。但是在一个圣诞节的例行任务中,他的工作出了错,造成了第一夫人的死亡。后来,班宁就被调整到了文职工作上。 临时政府迅速派遣美国突击队登陆白宫,企图营救总统,却被恐怖分子控制的白宫防御系统击退,营救计划几度失败。眼看恐怖分子的阴谋即将得逞。因为意外,班宁活了下来,他与临时政府取得联系,并孤身一人营救总统,班宁成为了整个美国的最后一丝希望。这位前特工依靠自己过硬的身手,在危机密布的白宫只身力挽狂澜,率先拯救了总统的儿子,让总统摆脱后顾之忧,恐怖分子获得地狱犬密码的阴谋被延迟。经过艰苦的鏖战和激烈的厮杀,班宁拯救了被劫持的总统,并粉碎了恐怖分子企图利用核弹毁灭美国的阴谋……
20世纪40年代,前拳击冠军Mickey Cohen(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰)是洛杉矶最有势力的黑帮老大,他一边经营着卖淫、赌博等活动,一边贿赂洛杉矶警方和法官,在洛杉矶为非作歹,为霸一方。洛杉矶警官John O'Mara(乔什·布洛林 Josh Brolin 饰)嫉恶如仇,从来没有畏惧过Micky,刚刚破坏了他的一个卖淫窝点。这一次,洛杉矶警长Bill Parker决定对Micky展开决战,他让John组织一个秘密小组,以铲除Micky为目标。John在妻子的建议下,找到了他在警局的朋友Jerry(瑞恩·高斯林 Ryan Gosling 饰),同时也是Micky的情人Grace(艾玛·斯通 Emma Stone 饰)的男朋友;神枪手Max Kennard;同样嫉恶如仇的黑人警察Coleman Harris;前情报机关人员Conwell Keeler;Max的徒弟,墨西哥人Navidad Ramirez,组成了Gangster Squad。他们在Micky家中安装了窃听装置,多次破坏Micky的行动,捣毁了他的多个赌博窝点。他们本以为胜券在握,不料真正的战斗才刚刚开始......
故事从在九州乡下长大的浅葱空豆(广濑铃 饰)与梦想成为音乐家的青年海野音(永濑廉 饰)的命运般的相遇开始。原本以为一辈子都不会再见面的两人却在东京一处开始了合租生活,他们早已坠入爱河,却没有开始恋爱,仿佛处在白天和黑夜之间的暧昧而耀眼的“黄昏时分”。
上世纪70年代,哈莱姆黑人区,弗兰克•卢卡斯(丹泽尔•华盛顿 饰)是黑帮老大约翰逊的司机。约翰逊暴毙后,弗兰克充分利用了这个来之不易的机会,将地下世界的所有权利分配进行了重组,成功上位,接手大佬事业,掌控了毒品交易大权。期间他远赴东南亚金三角走私高纯度海洛因,张罗自己的家族兄弟,集结了一帮为他卖命的手下,一股黑暗势力正在兴起。 另一边,警察里奇•罗伯茨(卢塞尔•克劳 饰)家庭破裂,与主流社会格格不入,整天以一副邋遢鬼模样流连于街头。他慢慢觉察出毒品圈内的风起云涌,,并展开了秘密调查。 随着调查的深入,罗伯茨和卢卡斯之间的距离越来越短,两个气质相近,惺惺相惜的男人,不可避免地进行正面对决……
A few years before he went on to make a big splash in the cannibal sub-genre, Ruggero Deodato directed this successful rip-off of Roman Polanski's brilliant Knife in the Water. Naturally, being an Italian film - there's more of a focus on sex than the relationship between the central couples, but the claustrophobic atmosphere and entertaining characters help to keep the tension... (展开全部) A few years before he went on to make a big splash in the cannibal sub-genre, Ruggero Deodato directed this successful rip-off of Roman Polanski's brilliant Knife in the Water. Naturally, being an Italian film - there's more of a focus on sex than the relationship between the central couples, but the claustrophobic atmosphere and entertaining characters help to keep the tension bubbling over, which ensures that the movie is interesting for the duration. The film doesn't have nearly as much 'bite' as Cannibal Holocaust and most of the rest of Ruggero Deodato's filmography, but it's obvious that even with this early film; Deodato is a director with the potential to make a mark on cinema. The plot is simple in that it just focuses on two couples. George and Silvia invite Irem and Barbara for a weekend cruise on their yacht. It soon transpires that George isn't the most sensitive man to ever live, and Silvia doesn't seem to mind him treating her badly. The situation escalates, and Irem and Barbara join forces with Silvia for vengeance against George...and three way sex, of course.
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